Redwood Forest Sessions

This year I had two sessions at a location I’ve been eyeing for a while. It’s a peaceful redwood grove in Joaquin Miller park in Oakland.

Here’s Benji and Reilly posing on a beautiful path lined with logs.

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Benji demonstrates how to look extra cute on one of the benches here.

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The forest has some some lovely open meadow areas. Fred here is a senior dog who clearly loves being outside.

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There are lots of spots to get some action shots like Benji running across a log.

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I love getting a image with the tops of the trees in the background. Reilly has such a handsome face!

This location is popular on the weekend with joggers and mountain bike riders so I recommend scheduling sessions there on the weekday. Because it is so shady the light is best between 10am and 3pm.

Email me at to start the process of getting your pet beautifully photographed.

Pipi Diamond